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3 reasons to write simply

Jane Gillard

Updated: May 5, 2023

You are writing to get a message out.

The simpler and easier your writing is to understand, the easier it is for your audience to hear and understand your message.

With thought and practice, you can distill even complex ideas into simple writing. But this takes effort. So why should you bother?

We don’t all have high literacy

Dyslexia is very common.

People with dyslexia find it difficult to decode individual letters and words. They are slower readers compared to those who find reading easy.

About one in five people have dyslexia. But other people also have trouble reading. They may have left school early, have gaps in their education or have medical issues.

In Australia, literacy rates are falling. About one in five Australians struggle to complete tasks such as reading brief texts on familiar topics or understanding basic percentages.

Readers are busy and impatient

Our lives are getting busier. We are juggling lots of tasks and are impatient.

When we come to a website or read a brochure, we are looking for information or are trying to complete a task.

Reading on a screen is also harder than reading on paper.

Good writing will help your reader get the information they need quickly and efficiently.

English may not be your reader’s first language

Australia is increasingly multicultural. About one in four Australians have English as a second language.

And if your audience is global, it is even more important your content is easy to read.

So, there are many reasons why people find it difficult to read. It could be low literacy levels, they may be busy or English may not be their first language.

Simple writing will keep them engaged.

Need help?

If you need help writing content for the page or screen, contact me.


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